As you may know, is a place where anyone can offer to do (nearly) anything for a fee of five dollars. Each offer is called a "gig". This could potentially be a lucrative endeavor for someone who has a gig to offer that many people want, and that is very quick and easy to fulfill via upload. I searched "ventriloquist" on the site recently and apparently there were only one and a half ventriloquists who were offering gigs. I say "one and a half" because...judging by the gig intro videos that sellers can post...there was one legitimate ventriloquist and one lady who called herself a ventriloquist although she didn't seem to have the slightest ability to do ventriloquism.
After sellers on Fiverr have sold a certain number of gigs they are then allowed to offer "extras", which are add-on elements to their gigs for which they can charge added fees. This could potentially turn a Fiverr gig that is not worth doing into one that is much more lucrative. But as a newbie to Fiverr I am limited to five dollar gigs for now.
So, what kind of ventriloquist gig could I possibly offer that would be worth my time for a fee of just, actually four dollars, after the 20% commission that takes from the sellers? For a ventriloquist gig I'm limited to creating videos for people and uploading them through the site, since anything other than a video gig would render the ventriloquism aspect of the gig irrelevant. So what sort of video could I offer? Have a puppet sing Happy Birthday? Or deliver a message or greeting? Or a poem? Or answer a question? Give advice? It seemed that none of the above would be worth my time, so naturally I decided to do all of the above...
I've posted several such gigs in the past few days. Why? I'm known mostly in the New York City area as a performer, so if I get tons of Fiverr gigs it would be a potential way of getting myself known better around the world. Then again, I might find that I don't have the time to fulfill tons of Fiverr gigs. But I can close my Fiverr account whenever I want, so for now I'm very curious to see what comes of this. As of now, I have booked just one gig, which happened to be a very interesting one. An author asked me to create a video with my puppet pretending to be a shy ventriloquist shooting a video in an unusual dating scenario. The short script provided to me was spot-on, and the video was fun to shoot. When the video goes live I will post a link to it.
Meanwhile, if you want to check out my current gigs before I change my mind and remove them...
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