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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Trillo & Suede Concept

The Trillo & Suede Concept Exciting news: I’m planning to shoot Season 2 of my multi-award-winning Trillo & Suede web series this August – less than two months from now. My long-thwarted dream is finally coming true. Enjoy it all here… Many people have asked me various questions about my concept of Trillo & Suede. So far the concept has been mainly in my head, but now I want to write it down for others to see. It also feels helpful for myself to have it in writing to refer to. My concept might evolve over time in some ways, but I don't imagine I'll ever want to change the main aspects. Here it is... Trillo & Suede live in an alternate universe in which they really are a detective duo in their “real” lives. They decided to produce a web series based on their real life experiences as detectives and we are seeing that project as it unfolds. This was Trillo’s idea because he has a life long issue of feeling unappreciated...